UBB team.
Babeș Bolyai University
The Babeș-Bolyai University (Romanian: Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Hungarian: Babeș-Bolyai Tudományegyetem, German:
Babeș-Bolyai Universität), commonly known after its abbreviation, UBB, is a public university in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. With
more than 41,000 students in 2015, it is the largest university in the country. The Babeș-Bolyai University offers study
programmes in Romanian, Hungarian, German, English, and French. The university was named after two prominent scientists
from Transylvania, the Romanian bacteriologist Victor Babeș and the Hungarian mathematician János Bolyai. It is one of the
five members of the Universitaria Consortium (the group of elite Romanian universities). UBB is affiliated, inter alia, to the
International Association of Universities, the Santander Group, the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie and the
European University Association.Likewise, UBB signed the Magna Charta Universitatum and concluded partnerships with 210
universities in 50 countries, and it is widely considered as one of the most prestigious in Eastern Europe. The Babeș-Bolyai
University is classified as an advanced research and education university by the Ministry of Education.In the 2012 QS World
University Rankings, it was included in the Top 700 universities of the world, on the position 601+, together with three other
Romanian universities.
Bogdana NEAMȚU | UBB team leader
Bogdana este conferențiar universitar doctor și director al Departamentului de Administrație și Management Public al
Universității Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj Napoca, România. La nivel de licență și master are studii în domeniile științelor
administrative, a dreptului european și a planificării urbane. A obținut titlul de doctor în sociologie în anul 2008, cu o
lucrare în domeniul dezvoltării urbane durabile în România. Din anul 2016, este abilitată în vederea conducerii de
doctorate în domeniul administrației publice. După finalizarea doctoratului, Bogdana Neamțu a realizat cercetări pe teme privind
dezvoltarea urbană durabilă – sistem de indicatori privind dezvoltarea durabilă, aplicarea conceptului de dezvoltare durabilă în
achiziții publice, raportare de mediu etc. Este co-director, împreună cu Dacian Dragoș, al Centrului pentru Studiul Bunei Guvernări.
Predă cursuri la nivel licență și master – Politici regionale, Introducere în planificarea urbană, Dezvoltare urbană durabilă.
Călin Emilian HINȚEA | researcher
Călin is the Dean of the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences at ”Babeș-Bolyai” University, and
an associate professor at Michigan State University. With considerable experience both in higher education (2004-2017)
and in central administration (he was State Secretary of the Prime Minister Office between 2008 and 2010), Călin Hințea
is one of the pioneers of strategic development in Romanian public administration. He imagined and pioneered the
concept of a participative development strategy in the second largest city in Romania, Cluj-Napoca, a project that is to
this day considered a best practice example on how different stakeholders can work together to obtain a practical plan of improving
the quality of life throughout the community.
Dacian-Cosmin DRAGOȘ | researcher
Dacian is Jean Monnet Professor of Administrative and European Law at the Management and Public Administration
Department and at the Law Doctoral School. Vicepresident of the Research Council of the university (since 2014);
President of the National Council for Research Ethics (Nov 2016 - May 2017). Former Vice Dean and then Acting Dean of
the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences (2008-2012); Marie Curie Fellow at Michigan State
University (2005-2006); Romanian Writers Association National Prize for legal research (2003); Scientific Coordinator of
the Commission for drafting the Administrative Procedure Code of Romania (2006-2008) and Expert in the Commission for drafting
the Administrative Code (2010-2011). Member of the Presidential Commission for Analyzing the Constitutional System of Romania
(2008-2009). Chair of the “Law and Administration’ Panel of the European Group of Public Administration (since 2010). His research
publications include 3 edited international books, 20 Chapters in international books, 7 books in Romanian as single author and 4 in
collaboration, over 40 papers in scientific journals.
Raluca-Maria SUCIU| researcher
Raluca Suciu is lecturer, PhD, with the Public Administration and Management Department at Babeș-Bolyai University
since October 2016. Previously she conducted teaching and research activities as teaching assistant and associated
teaching assistant since 2003. Teaching activities are related to European Union studies, and Environmental science
disciplines, both in Romanian and English study programs. Her formal university training includes a bachelor degree in
Administrative Sciences, a master degree in Management of Public Services and a doctoral title in Management, with a
thesis on the ‘Role of environmental management in promoting sustainable development’. The professional track record includes
research and teaching activities, publications and project activities in environmental policy and governance, European institutions and
policies, public procurement, environmental management and sustainable development.
Bianca-Veronica RADU| researcher
Bianca is a lecturer in the Department of Public Administration and Management, where she teaches Public Policy
Analysis, Applied Methods of Urban Planning and Decision Making, and the Comparative Administrative Systems and
Public Policies (seminars). In 2004 she graduated a Master's degree in community development, and in 2007 she
obtained a master's degree in Urban and Regional Planning at Michigan State University, USA. Since 2014 she holds the
title of Doctor of Sociology at Babes-Bolyai University. She is involved in research projects on public administration
decision-making, regeneration of former industrial areas, citizen participation in decision-making, emergency management, as well as
projects on student career planning and their increase in the labor market.
Cristina HINȚEA | researcher
Cristina Hințea este conferențiar universitar doctor în cadrul departamentului de Administrație Publică. Titular al
disciplinelor Teorii organizaționale, Introducere în Administrație Publică, Leadership în administrația publică. A obținut
titlul de doctor în Sociologie în anul 2007 cu teza Dezvoltare organizațională în sectorul public. Absolvent al programului
de masterat DESS – Administration et Gestion des Collectivites Locales – Paris XII. Bursă de cercetare a statului italian la
Universita degli Studi di Genoa, bursă de cercetare la Central European University. Associate Editor al Transylvanian Review of
Administrative Sciences (publicație cotată ISI).
Alexandru PAVEL| researcher
Alexandru Pavel graduated in 2003 from the Public Administration program of the Faculty of Political, Administrative and
Communication Sciences, and in 2005 from the master's program in Local Finance Management. He holds a PhD in
Finance from the Doctoral School of Administration and Public Policy. Research interests: local economic development,
rural development, public investment, project management and local development strategies.
Bogdan Andrei MOLDOVAN| researcher
Bogdan Moldovan is a graduate of the Public Administration department of the faculty in 2003, of the master's degree in
English in 2005 (Public Finance Management track) and doctor in finance since 2015. Collaborator of the faculty since
2005, full professor of the department since February 2009. Research interests: local economic development, economy,
public finance and taxation, strategic management, public policies
Tudor ȚICLĂU| researcher
Tudor Țiclău is an associate professor in the Department of Public Administration and Management, FSPAC. In 2012, he
obtained a PhD in sociology, conducting research on transformational leadership in the public sector.
Research interests: leadership, marketing and organizational theories
Georgiana AVRAM